Read reviews of our loudspeaker systems:
- Review of COLOGNE by
- Something about us
- reviewed our loudspeaker system Ashkelon
- digital magazin for Hi-Fi lowers reviewed our loudspeaker system Zefat
- reviewed our loudspeaker system SET
- reviewed our loudspeaker system Zefat
- Drivers from israeli company Morel
- Components for passive filters from companies Mundorf® and Rike Audio
- Software design of passive filters (from measured data) and their realization
- Upgrade of original filter
- Lending of our loudspeaker systems
Our newest High End loudspeakers NESS ZIONA
We have been rewarded with Solvency Certificate for year 2020
Thanks to our great relationship with Mundorf company, we received plenty of new passive elements we use during our loudspeakers development. Capacitors, air coils and resistors, in all ranges. There wouldn't be anything special about, but we received them as a gift. Thank you Mundorf.
Adam Vox wprowadza nowe produkty na rok 2018 dla fanów najlepszej jakości dźwięku. Te systemy głośnikowe to Ashkelon i Zefat. Powyższe systemy zostały zaprezentowane podczas AUDIO VIDEO SHOW 2017 w Warszawie w dniach 17 - 19.11.2017